Psalm 68:4-5

Jun 20, 2021    Shawn Farneman    Father's Day, Dad, Psalm, Children, Kids, Jesus, Gospel

Main Idea: Fathers, be a dad who is intentional about shaping your kids’ lives for the glory of God.

1. Be real! The powerful love of God driving your discipleship will make you a father your kids admire.

a. God’s powerful love for us!

b. Love is the true driver of discipleship.

c. Love your kids by loving your Lord!

- Your kids’ admiration for you as a faithful disciple of Christ equips them to revere God as
they grow up.

2. Enjoy them: Taking pleasure in your kids, like your heavenly Father does in you, exposes your heart and elicits their trust.

a. You are a pleasure to your heavenly Father.

b. Our kids are a precious gift.

- Your pleasure in your kids prepares them to trust the heart of God.

3. Lead them: Your kids need the maturity that correction brings just like you also need your heavenly Father’s discipline.

a. The Lord’s discipline of you.

b. Build a heart for obedience into your kids’ lives.

- Seeing your kids grow up to value obedience prepares them to live joyfully under the
Lordship of Christ.