A Missional Community is a family of servant missionaries sent to make, mature, and
multiply disciples of Jesus.

If you are interested in joining an MC at one of the locations below please email keith@ransomedcommunitychurch.com or fill out the digital Connect Card located here.
We are family because we have been adopted by God the Father.
A missional community is a group of believers who live and experience life together like a family and they see God as their Father. We now know a divine love that leads us to love one another as brothers and sisters. 
We treat one another as children of God that are deeply loved by the Father. We share their money, time, resources, needs, hurts, successes, etc.
- We get to know each other well. We learn each other’s stories and get acquainted with one another’s strengths and struggles in regards to believing the
gospel and applying its truth to every aspect of life.
- We speak gospel truth to one another, regularly building each other up in love.
- We also love the people around us as if they were part of the family, demonstrating what the love of the Father looks like. We do this as we invite them to
experience life in the family of God by repenting of their sin and trusting in Jesus! (John 1:11-13; Rom. 12:10-16; Eph 5:1-2)

We are servants of King Jesus.
We serve Him as we serve others. We serve one another and those around us. In doing so, we can give them a foretaste of what life will be like under the rule and reign of Christ.
- Living as servants presents a tangible witness to Jesus’ kingdom and the power of the gospel to change lives. A missional community serves in such a way that
it demands a Gospel explanation. (Matt. 20:25-28; Matt. 23:11; Jn. 13:1-17; Phil. 2:5-11; 1 Pet. 2:16)

We are Missionaries as we have been commissioned by Jesus and empowered by the Holy Spirit to make disciples. 
We are sent to proclaim the good news of the gospel. 
A missional community is more than a bible study or a small group that cares for other believers. We are called and empowered by the Sprit to radically reorient our lives for the mission of making disciples. This means our schedules, resources, and decisions are to be built around reaching people together with the gospel.
Our mission as a church and as missional communities is to make, mature, and multiply disciples of Jesus. (Matt. 3:16-41; Jn. 20:21; Acts 1:8; Acts 13:2)